Field Measurements
Counterfitters shall assume responsibility for all field measurements and the proper fitting of materials prior to fabrication. No fee will be charged, unless the job is not ready for measurement when we arrive, we will then reschedule the appointment and a service charge of $65.00 will be billed to you for the extra trip to the job site.
Measure/Travel Fee
If a job location is deemed to be outside of the geographic parameters regularly traveled by Counterfitters, and is valued at less then $2,000, the job may be subject to a measure/travel fee equal to $100.00. If there are any questions regarding these geographic parameters, please contact a customer service representative.
Countertops Showroom
Counterfitters welcomes all visitors to our manufacturing facilities located in Toledo, Ohio. Our facility offers a state of the art showroom with many unique applications. Showroom hours are by appointment only between 8:00 am - 4:30 pm., Monday thru Friday. We ask you call in advance to schedule an appointment for your visit to our showroom. While visiting, you are welcome to tour our fabrication area where the actual products are being fabricated.